The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) funding program helps partners and agencies to disseminate consistent messages about grizzly bears and to promote effective actions and techniques to increase human safety and decrease the likelihood of a bear-human conflict. Using the IGBC mission statement as a guide, we look to fund projects that support recovery and delisting, and ongoing conservation of grizzly bear populations and their habitats in areas of the western United States.

Criteria for proposals:

  • Must be submitted by a qualified non-profit organization, an association, or be a state, federal, or tribal entity focused on grizzly bear conservation.
  • Must be consistent with the mission statement of the IGBC and the role and responsibilities of the Information, Education & Outreach (IEO) subcommittee.
  • Must be in at least one IGBC ecosystem
  • Must be a minimum of $2500.

The IGBC is seeking proposals for grants to partners and agencies to disseminate consistent messages about grizzly bears and to promote effective actions and techniques to increase human safety and decrease the likelihood of bear-human conflicts. The IGBC is anticipating that $42,000 will be available for grants in FY2024; actual project funding will be contingent on agency funding levels. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Roberts, IGBC IEO Chair,,  406-751-4581. The deadline to apply for 2024 grants is Oct. 31, 2023.


FAQs about annual IGBC Information, Education & Outreach Grants

Organizations and government agencies within the grizzly bear ecosystems may apply. However, it is highly recommended that these entities begin the application process by contacting the state and federal agency information and education staff in their area before proceeding.

  • Proposals that include partners and/or leverage grant dollars with in-kind or matches from partners.
  • Proposals that are useable in multiple ecosystems
  • Proposals that benefit multiple agencies and organizations.

Timeline for Proposals and Projects:

  • September 29 – Request for Proposals
  • October 31 – Proposals due to IGBC IEO Chair
  • December (IGBC Winter Meeting) – Funding awards announced
  • June 15 – Interim Progress Reports due to IGBC IEO Chair**
  • October 1 – Final Project Reports due to IGBC IEO Chair**

**Interim and final reports are required. New projects will not be funded without a final report from the previous year.

Annual Reports on IEO Funding Awards

230929_IEO_funding_fillable_formSeptember 29, 2023243 KBpdf
230929 IEO FY24 Call LetterSeptember 29, 2023222 KBpdf
220929_IEO_funding_fillable_formSeptember 29, 2022193 KBpdf
220929 IEO FY22 Call Letter v2September 29, 2022222 KBpdf
FY-19-Grant-Approvals-004December 4, 2018359 KBpdf
FY18-IGBC-IE-GrantsDecember 1, 2017204 KBpdf
2017-Grant-Awards-updated-1-24-17January 24, 2017193 KBpdf
2016-IE-Grant-Awards-1December 1, 2015326 KBpdf