The role of each ecosystem subcommittee is to coordinate implementation of the policy, planning, research, management, and communication established by the Executive Committee as necessary to implement the Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan. Responsibilities of the ecosystem subcommittees include:
- Develop an annual work plan, consistent with the IGBC 5-year plan to implement Executive Committee direction for their ecosystem(s) for review and approval by the Executive Committee;
- Coordinate implementation of the approved annual work plan by member agencies;
- Establish necessary teams to implement approved actions (i.e. technical issues, law enforcement, information and education, access management, etc.);
- Report to the Executive Committee at each winter meeting on the progress of action items in the annual work plan and 5-year plan;
- Recommend revisions to the 5-year plan based on the best available science and management action necessary to achieve recovery;
- Identify funding or other resource needs to carry out the tasks assigned in the IGBC-approved annual work plan and 5-year plan and request support from the Executive Committee to meet resource needs.
- If directed by the Executive Committee, develop a proposed conservation strategy for the ecosystem to be implemented upon delisting.
- Identify issues that cannot be resolved at the Subcommittee level and elevate them to the Executive Committee for resolution.
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Subcommittee Membership
- Forest Supervisors from the Idaho Panhandle, Kootenai, Colville, and Lolo National Forests;
- Representatives of the state wildlife agencies in ID, MT, and WA;
- A representative of the BLM in ID, MT, and WA;
- A representative of the Idaho Department of Lands;
- A representative of county government in ID, MT, and WA;
- The Supervisors of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Service offices in ID, MT, and WA;
- Representatives from the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho and the Kalispel Tribe of Indians;
- A representative of the British Columbia Wildlife Agency
If you can not view the membership list on this webpage, here is a PDF version dated 11/29/21.