The role of each ecosystem subcommittee is to coordinate implementation of the policy, planning, research, management, and communication established by the Executive Committee as necessary to implement the Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan. Responsibilities of the ecosystem subcommittees include:

  • Develop an annual work plan, consistent with the IGBC 5-year plan to implement Executive Committee direction for their ecosystem(s) for review and approval by the Executive Committee;
  • Coordinate implementation of the approved annual work plan by member agencies;
  • Establish necessary teams to implement approved actions (i.e. technical issues, law enforcement, information and education, access management, etc.);
  • Report to the Executive Committee at each winter meeting on the progress of action items in the annual work plan and 5-year plan;
  • Recommend revisions to the 5-year plan based on the best available science and management action necessary to achieve recovery;
  • Identify funding or other resource needs to carry out the tasks assigned in the IGBC-approved annual work plan and 5-year plan and request support from the Executive Committee to meet resource needs.
  • If directed by the Executive Committee, develop a proposed conservation strategy for the ecosystem to be implemented upon delisting.
  • Identify issues that cannot be resolved at the Subcommittee level and elevate them to the Executive Committee for resolution.

Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Subcommittee Membership

  • Forest Supervisors from the Idaho Panhandle, Kootenai, Colville, and Lolo National Forests; 
  • Representatives of the state wildlife agencies in ID, MT, and WA; 
  • A representative of the BLM in ID, MT, and WA; 
  • A representative of the Idaho Department of Lands; 
  • A representative of county government in ID, MT, and WA; 
  • The Supervisors of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Ecological Service offices in ID, MT, and WA; 
  • Representatives from the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho and the Kalispel Tribe of Indians; 
  • A representative of the British Columbia Wildlife Agency

If you can not view the membership list on this webpage, here is a PDF version dated 11/29/21.

Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Subcommittee Past Meeting Materials

240508 Turnock GeneticsMay 19, 20244 MBpresentation
240508 Proctor CYE IGBC Berries & Bullets talkMay 13, 20247 MBpresentation
240509 Costello CYE NCDE connectivity status low resMay 13, 20244 MBpresentation
240509 Kasworm Cabinet Mountains Augmentation ProgramMay 10, 202411 MBpresentation
240509 Costello Status of Connectivity between the NCDE and the CYEMay 10, 202415 MBpresentation
240509 Conservation Strategy 101May 10, 20245 MBpresentation
240508 Kasworm Selkirk Cabinet Yaak Monitoring ProgramMay 10, 202412 MBpresentation
20240508_SCYsubcomm_Mtg_Agenda_FinalApril 23, 2024258 KBagenda
3 Bear Monitoring Update KaswormNovember 15, 20237 MBpresentation
2 Update from Conservation Strategy Technical Team WhitcombNovember 14, 2023220 KBpresentation
1 IGBC Update DiamondNovember 14, 20233 MBpresentation
20231114_SCYsubcomm_Mtg_AgendaOctober 31, 2023225 KBagenda
IGBC SCY April 2023 talk PROCTORJune 13, 20238 MBpresentation
230523_SCYE CS and 5 Year PlanJune 13, 2023353 KBpresentation
230523 SCY IEOJune 13, 2023938 KBpresentation
230523 Mike Jenson Bear AwareJune 13, 2023806 KBpresentation
230313 Kasworm SCY IGBCJune 13, 20236 MBpresentation
Sells et al connectivity studies May 2023June 13, 20234 MBpresentation
20230523_SCYsubcomm_Mtg_AgendaMay 14, 2023203 KBagenda
20221129_SCYsubcomm_Mtg_Agenda_FINALNovember 13, 2022202 KBagenda
IGBC SCY subcomm meeting agenda for 220419April 14, 2022197 KBagenda
SCY Virtual Mtg Notes 211116November 16, 2021187 KBminutes
SCYE subcomm Mtg Agenda 211116November 16, 2021204 KBagenda
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 11/4/2020November 4, 2020669 KBminutes
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 5/7/2020May 7, 2020202 KBminutes
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 11/6/2019November 6, 2019175 KBminutes
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 5/9/2019May 9, 2019149 KBminutes
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 11/8/2018November 18, 2018384 KBminutes
Cabinet-Yaak and Selkirk Mountains Grizzly Bear Monitoring Update 11/8/2018November 8, 2018578 KBpresentation
2018 Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak AccomplishmentsOctober 1, 2018163 KB
SCY DOW Fencing E-Fencing 2017October 30, 20178 MBpresentation
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 10/30/2017October 30, 2017221 KBminutes
Cabinet-Yaak and Selkirk Mountains Grizzly Bear Ecosystems UpdateOctober 30, 20172 MBreport
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 5/17/2017May 17, 2017273 KBminutes
SCY Subcommittee Review of 5 Year Plan 2017May 17, 2017283 KB
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 11/28/2016November 28, 2016375 KBminutes
2016 SCY Subcommittee Accomplishment ReportNovember 28, 2016228 KBreport
2017 Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Subcommittee Priority ActionsNovember 28, 201690 KBreport
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 5/24/2016May 24, 2016279 KBminutes
2016 Cab/Yaak-Selkirk Grizzly Monitoring presentationMay 24, 20162 MBpresentation
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 11/4/2015November 4, 2015329 KBminutes
2015 SCY Subcommittee Accomplishment ReportNovember 4, 2015155 KBreport
2015 Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Info & Education Subcommittee UpdateNovember 4, 2015352 KBreport
2016 Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Subcommittee Priority ActionsNovember 4, 201587 KBreport
2015-2017 SCY Work PlanJune 1, 2015283 KBreport
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg Summary 5/13/2015May 13, 2015282 KBminutes
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 12/3/2014December 3, 2014330 KBminutes
Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems Mtg. Summary 5/13/2014May 13, 2014204 KBminutes
2014 SCY Subcommittee Accomplishment ReportApril 8, 20141 MBreport

Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Subcommittee Policy, Management and Research Reports

Selkirk_Grizzly_Annual_Report_2022_081723September 5, 20233 MBreport
CabYaak_Grizzly_Annual_Report_2022_081723September 5, 20235 MBreport
Kasworm et al 2022 Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear recovery area 2021 research and monitoring progress report.October 11, 20225 MBannual-report
Kasworm et al 2022 Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear recovery area 2021 research and monitoring progress report.October 11, 20223 MBannual-report
Kasworm et al 2021 Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear recovery area 2020 research and monitoring progress report.December 11, 20215 MBannual-report
Kasworm et al 2021 Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear recovery area 2020 research and monitoring progress report.December 1, 20213 MBannual-report
2020 Grizzly and Black Bear Management Report Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem (Annis)August 19, 20212 MBannual-report
2019 Grizzly and Black Bear Management Report Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem (Annis)August 19, 20211 MBannual-report
Cabinet-Yaak and Selkirk Mountains Grizzly Bear Monitoring Update (Kasworm 2019)June 10, 2019736 KBreport
Proctor et al. 2012. Population Fragmentation and Inter-Ecosystem Movements of Grizzly Bears in Western Canada and the Northern United States, Wildlife Monographs 180:1–46; 2012January 1, 20123 MBpaper
Record of Decision Forest Plan Amendments for Motorized Access Management within the Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak Grizzly Bear Recovery ZonesNovember 1, 20111 MBpolicy
Forest Plan Amendments for Motorized Access Management within the Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak Grizzly Bear Recovery Zones – Final Supplemental Environmental Impact StatementNovember 1, 20118 MBpolicy
Forest Plan Appendix JJ. Motorized Access Management Direction Idaho Panhandle National ForestsNovember 1, 2011482 KBpolicy
Forest Plan Appendix Y. Motorized Access Management Direction Lolo National ForestNovember 1, 2011504 KBpolicy
Addendum to Forest Plan Appendix 8. Motorized Access Management Direction Kootenai National Forest ForestNovember 1, 2011502 KBpolicy
Johnson, Wayne J. and Russ Gautreaux. 2008. Vegetation Management Prescriptions for Grizzly Bear Habitat Enhancement or Restoration in the Cabinet-Yaak EcosystemDecember 1, 2008566 KBreport
Public Opinion and Knowledge Survey of Grizzly Bears in the Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem: Executive Summary (Canepa et al. 2008)January 1, 20084 MBreport
Kasworm et al. 2006. Success of Grizzly Bear Population Augmentation in Northwest Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(4). 1261-1266January 1, 2006158 KBpaper
Wakkinen W. and W. Kasworm. 2004. Demographics and population trends of grizzly bears in the Cabinet–Yaak and Selkirk Ecosystems of British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, and Washington. Ursus 15(1) Workshop Supplement: 65–75January 1, 2004131 KBpaper
Proctor, M. et al. 2004. A comparative analysis of management options for grizzly bear conservation in the U.S.-Canada trans-border area. Ursus 15(2): 145-160January 1, 2004236 KBpaper
McClellan et al. 1999. Rates and Causes of Grizzly Bear Mortality in the Interior Mountains of British Columbia, Alberta, Montana, Washington, and Idaho. Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 63, No. 3), pp. 911-920July 1, 1999574 KBpaper
Grizzly Bear and Road Density Relationships in the Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak Recovery ZonesApril 1, 1997612 KBreport
Kasworm. W. and T. Manley. 1990. Road and trail influences on grizzly bears and black bears in Northwest Montana Ursus, Vol. 8, pp. 79-84February 19, 1989252 KBpaper