September 29, 2023

The following newsletter was sent to the email list incuding information regarding Fall/Winter IGBC meetings, applying for IGBC IEO funding, and announcing the IGBC IEO Summit.

The IGBC invites you to save the date for its Fall ecosystem subcommittee meetings and its Winter Executive business meeting. Please save the following dates for the remainder of 2023:
  • 10/10 North Cascades Ecosystem Subcommittee
    • Noon-4PM PT
    • Chelan County Commissioners’ Office, 400 Douglas St. # 201 Wenatchee WA
  • 10/18 Bitterroot Ecosystem Subcommittee
    • 9AM-3PM MT
    • Virtual
  • 11/8-9 Yellowstone Ecosystem Subcommittee
    • 2PM-6PM MT 11/8; 8AM-1PM MT 11/9
    • Teton County Public Library, 125 Virginian Lane, Jackson, WY
  • 11/14-15 Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem Subcommittee
    • 9AM-3PM PT
    • Kalispel Tribe’s Camas Center. 1821 LeClerc Rd N, Cusick, WA
  • 11/28-29 Northern Continental Divide Subcommittee, Kalispel MT
    • 10AM-5PM MT 11/28; 8AM-Noon MT 11/29
    • Red Lion Inn, 209 Ridgewater Dr, Polson, MT
  • 12/12-14 Executive Committee Winter Business Meeting, Bozeman, MT
    • 12/12 afternoon or evening, 12/13 9-5 MT, 12/14 8-1 MT
    • Bozeman Public Safety Center, 901 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, MT

We are working to provide a virtual attendance option for each of these meetings. Agendas for North Cascades and Bitterroot are now posted on the News/Events page, and other agendas will be posted about two weeks before the scheduled meetings.

In the event of a lapse in appropriations for the federal government, this schedule may be updated. Please continue to visit the News/Events on our webpage for the most up to date information.In August 2023, the IGBC Executive Committee held a strategic meeting to review IGBC’s charter and workplan. The group issued this statement following the meeting. The planning conversations will continue during the upcoming Fall and Winter meetings.

Click Here For the Latest on IGBC News and Events

The IGBC is seeking proposals for grants to partners and agencies to disseminate consistent messages about grizzly bears and to promote effective actions and techniques to increase human safety and decrease the likelihood of bear-human conflicts. The IGBC is anticipating that $42,000 will be available for grants in FY2024; actual project funding will be contingent on agency funding levels. The deadline to apply for 2024 grants is October 31, 2023.

Click Here For IGBC IEO Funding Oppportunity

In 2024, the IGBC IEO Subcommittee and partners are planning to host an Information, Education, and Outreach summit for practitioners and social scientists in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, with a theme of building resilient communities in bear country. The event will be held January 30-February 1, 2024 at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, in Coeur d’Alene, ID. More information and registration will be available at the link below later this Fall, so watch this space!

Click Here For the Grizzly Bear Summit
Thank you for your interest in grizzly bears. You are receiving this message because you have previously signed up for meeting notifications from the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee or one of its Subcommittees. Subscribers to this list will receive around ten messages per year. You may unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link in the footer of this and future messages. The information in these messages is also available on the IGBC website. Meeting agendas will post about two weeks before each meeting.
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) supports recovery and delisting, and ongoing conservation of grizzly bear populations and their habitats in areas of the western United States through interagency coordination of policy, planning, management, research and communication. Grizzly bear conservation is complex and only made possible through partnerships. IGBC members recognize and mutually respect the authorities and mandates of all parties under federal and state law. The IGBC is a cooperative effort of its members, created in 1983. 
Previous reading
North Cascades Ecosystem Fall Meeting 2023
Next reading
Selkirk / Cabinet-Yaak Subcommittee Fall Meeting – Libby, MT