Properly store garbage in a certified bear-resistant bin or in a secured building (four walls, roof, and door with latch) at all times, until the day of disposal.
Do not leave out pet food, bird feeders and bird seed, or livestock feed.
Keep grills and BBQs clean of food and grease. Store in a secured building when not in use.
Bears are attracted to fruit-bearing trees and bushes, gardens, and compost piles. Install electric fencing. Pick fruit immediately when ripe.
Secure vulnerable livestock (i.e. chickens, goats, sheep) with an electric fence.
Loud noise, such as banging pots and pans, using an air horn or your car alarm, or shouting, is a simple, effective short-term way to deter a bear on private property.
Seeing a bear is not necessarily a reportable encounter or an emergency. Report encounters where the bear displayed aggressive or defensive behavior toward people, livestock or pets, or damaged property.